Rückfrage zu [PublishPress Permissions: Control User Access for Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags] Medien: zu diesem Beitrag hochgeladen – wird weiterhin nicht unterstützt
Hi @uperl
Can you share some screenshot whereas in the WordPress admin that you refer as “Uploaded to this post“ ?
Is it on Media Library or somewhere else?
WordPress-Backend mit Classic-Editor und press-permit-core-Version 2.6.3
WordPress backend with Classic editor and press-permit-core version 2.6.3
Momentan ist die press-permit-core-Version 2.6.3 aktiv – und ich füge in den Artikel ein Bild ein.
Currently, the press-permit-core version 2.6.3 is active – and I include a picture in the article.
Foto in der Mediathek auswählen
Select photo in the media library
Das Foto ist jetzt in den Artikel eingefügt und auch mit dem Artikel verknüpft.
The photo is now inserted into the article and also linked to the article.
Anschließend hat das Foto den Status „zu diesem Beitrag hochgeladen“.
After that, the photo has the status „uploaded to this post“.
Nach dem Update auf die aktuelle Version des press-permit-core-Plug-ins erfolgt diese Verknüpfung nicht mehr. Alle danach in Artikel eingebundene Fotos werden als „nicht angehängt“ bewertet.
After updating to the current version of the press-permit-core plug-in, this link no longer occurs. All photos included in articles after that will be rated as „not attached“.
Translated article from German by means of Translater
press-permit-core“ and this plug-in provides a kind of intranet function. With the User Access function, you can also restrict access to posts by their categories. I had been using the diary category for quite a while and so it was easy for me to hide this category and with it all the articles contained in it for unregistered visitors.
The plug-in is also permanently developed further and is well maintained. Unfortunately, this is not always only advantageous. Two years ago I noticed that photos I inserted into articles were no longer linked to the article. After some searching, I found the culprit in the PublishPress Permissions plug-in. My guess that it was just a missing „new permission“ that I was missing didn’t help.
I couldn’t find the place to add those permissions. So I replayed version 2.6.3 and embedding the photos worked again. Periodically I tried updates of the plug-in, but was always disappointed. Also this week I tried it with the current version 3.8.7. But also this time I had to restore the old version. The well-functioning press-permit-core version 2.6.3 is from May 15, 2019, slowly I must look around an alternative.
Actually, I want to have it „only“ so that I can write everything in one place and that I can then determine via the category in which blog it appears – or not.
For a long time I have the idea of „two blogs“. One blog that I use for writing and that is completely protected by basic authentication. From this blog, all the posts that are not in the diary category are exported once a day and imported into a second blog. This would eliminate the intranet functionality for this blog and I could do without the press-permit-core plug-in.
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